
Fifteen months ago, I dreamt up an idea to be a personal brand photographer... over a dozen clients later, while coaching more than twice as many women along the way, I woke up today with such gratitude in my heart.

I have been wildly blazing my trail, with my eyes
wide open... even when I was unsure how the plan was going to unfold.

But dang, the last eight months have pushed me into uncomfortable places, and while incredible things are happening here on the other side... it was tough being in the middle of it.

The truth is, I had been living in and out of victim mode, which is hard to admit considering how hard I have worked not to have Victim Mentality... Even When I was a Victim. But that's a story for another day.

The problem with being in victim mode is that sometimes, it's just the excuse you need to get comfy in passivity... and we cover it up as "going with the flow."

That's how it has been this year for many of my friends, biz besties, and clients too.

We experienced Victim...


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