
the WESEE Denver Magazine

Hitting Inboxes NOW!!

A Gorgeous Resource Created for Readers, Leaders & Lifelong Learners  

Calling all Seekers of the Best that Life has to Offer!

A brand new magazine is here, and founding digital subscribers will be the first to have exclusive access, receive free marketing perks & special invites to private events. 


Sneak Peek

What is your Tour de Force?

Hi there, I am Nicole Herring

the founder of WESEE Denver Magazine

Not only are we taking a fresh approach to building community, but we also lift up and write about women RIGHT HERE IN COLORADO who are committed to living, working, and engaging with life differently. 


Inside the magazine, we feature, support, and celebrate the local woman taking their life & business to the next level by being well-rounded, well-supported, and well-resourced FOR SUCCESS.


WESEE Denver focuses on THREE Core Values:

1. Initiating Genuine Fulfillment 

2. Creating Professional Achievement

3. Enjoying Enriched Relationships. 


If these are your values and you are ready to be connected to an empowered community of women who speak your language, subscribe now. 


We believe that Genuine Fulfillment is the fastest path to impacting your success personally, professionally, and relationally... and if you think that too, we would love to connect about sharing YOUR story in our magazine. 

(Subscribers receive exclusive opportunities for spotlight spots AT NO COST in this summer's issues... request your feature once you subscribe be email [email protected]


***The digital subscription to WESEE Denver will cost $79 for 9 issues that are digitally delivered every 5-6 weeks.***


P.S. If you don't live in Colorado, YES, you can still subscribe!! The articles will be helpful, insightful, and moving… the only risk is feeling FOMO for our local events. However, if you see yourself as a leader, a lifelong learner, and a seeker of the best life has to offer, the WESEE magazine was created with YOU in mind. 

Subscribe HERE

50% Complete

Your first gift of GOLD is a Life Changing Process. 

You are going to LOVE it.